Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!

To all my friends, I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year.
I hope 2012 is a great year for you.

I was talking with my grandpa last night and found out there won’t be any money for my generation unless the government stops spending like there’s no tomorrow. What’s the deal? He tells me their plan to cut the deficit is to spend our way out of the problem!

Huh, my college economics is a little fuzzy (at least it will be if I can afford college), but I don’t believe that works. I’m not asking for a hand out, I just don’t want to spend my entire life working to pay off your debt. You just need to expect less from the government. The government needs to spend in relationship to the tax revenue collected. It might mean tough decisions; but all you’re doing is leaving me holding the bag because you won’t make those tough calls.

Why don't you do something while you have the chance? Do they think that money grows on trees? Grandma; grandpa; SEND HELP!!

In the meantime, I’ll just have another drink. Pour me a milk and make it a double!

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Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum
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