Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm 6 Months Old and Thanks to Congress I'm in Debt up to my You Know What

I'm not sure why I'm smiling.
My friends and I are still far away from our first birthdays and we're already Trillions of Dollars in debt! With about 4,000,000 of us born; each of us owes $250,000 for every Trillion Dollars of Debt. You do the math!!!!!
I needed a stiff drink. Poured myself a double shot of milk. I might have another.

I’m trying to figure out how much I’ll have to shell out to pay off the debt that grandma and grandpa are leaving me with. The government is telling me everything will be okay. We’re going to cut the revenue to the treasury and “spend” our way out of our debt problem. Huh! How does that work? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I can’t wait until I can vote.

I was also thinking of starting a business, hoping to make a few hundred thousand a year. You know take a personal financial risk, work 16 hours a day, give up everything else, etc… Now I find out that if I’m successful, I’ll be on the President’s, you know what list. He doesn’t seem to like people with those objectives. I also understand that in a couple of years, I’ll be working for the government half the time. You know, paying about 50% of my income, in taxes, to some body of government. This just doesn’t make sense to me. It’s seems to be a government spending problem, not a tax revenue problem.

Why don't they do something while they have the chance? Do they think that money grows on trees? Grandma, grandpa; SEND HELP!!

I think I will have another milk!

See my grandfather’s book.
It'll make your blood boil!!
Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum
You can read excerpts on Amazon at:

Please click on the link below and put in code 836CNC2L for your 50% discount.

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