Monday, October 4, 2010

Definitions from "Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" glossary

Bail Out The Government giving (or lending) a company in danger of failing, money in an attempt to save it from bankruptcy. Usually associated with “Too big to fail,” not one of the better uses of tax payer money.

Balanced Budget Government spending equaling government revenue. Nice idea, but not realistic.

Budget Surplus Government income exceeds government spending. There isn’t a lottery large enough that the Government could win to have a surplus. The Government has a way of taking from one Government program and using it for another to make the budget look good. It’s creative accounting; Robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Common Sense Using reasonable judgment when faced with a decision. Warning labels would not be needed if common sense was practiced.

Debt Ceiling The amount of debt the Government may have at any time. Debt ceiling is set by Congress. Should not be considered a real number since Congress raises it at will. Not aware it has ever been lowered.
Endangered Species An animal species whose population is so small that the species is at risk of extinction. If politicians don’t change their “business as usual” ways, the public might want to see them on the list.

Franking Privilege The privilege of Senators and Representatives to send mail without paying postage. It is for “official business” mail only. It seems around election time, the public is inundated with “official business” mail.
Two Party System A system where two parties dominate elections. The United States has a two party system. In business this would be an oligopoly and very near a monopoly. Not good in business and not good in politics.

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