Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Attorney General, Mr. Holder, Day Late and Dollar Short

The decision to look into prosecuting WikiLeaks for their posting of information is very welcomed. It does seem like the horse did leave the barn long ago and looking to close the door now might be viewed as trying to save face.

Wikileaks has been posting damaging information for a while now. They let the world know they were going to do it. They also let the world know they would be releasing more information. They kept their word. Each time, the government publically stated that the information would be damaging and could endanger individuals. Each time, after the release of the information, the government practiced damage control. Why would it take so long to attempt to prosecute WikiLeaks? Even if prosecution is not successful, it shows our citizens and people around the world that we are pro-active. There seemed to more outrage, by the administration, when a college professor was taken into custody and the police department was vilified for acting stupidly.

There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the enemy.
George Washington
Taken from “Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American”

George Washington’s comments could be interpreted to mean that we should be prepared to meet the enemy in the same manner they are bringing the war to us. If they have information that was stolen and was received illegally; let us use our resources to steal it back, or bribe someone with enough money that we could reacquire the documentation. If the information is being distributed through the internet; let’s use our technological abilities to shut down their site. If any government is harboring their offices; let’s use our power and allies to have them shut down. If lives are at stake, peace treaties are in jeopardy, or the potential of staving off a future war is achievable, then playing by the rules should not apply.

It’s past time the United States shows the world our strength, fortitude and resolve.
Shut WikiLeaks down any way we can. And do it quickly!

Similar writings can be found in “Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American”  Excerpts are available on Amazon at:

Monday, November 29, 2010

How Safe Can We make Flying?

It would be hard to imagine that anyone, except for a terrorist, doesn’t want to be as safe as possible when flying. If someone was trying to bring and explosive devise or a weapon, on a plane, the efforts at the check-in lines would stop the offender. These things seem to be in agreement. It also appears that most travelers do not mind being inconvenienced if there is a need for the process and the process is extremely successful. Therein lays the rub. Is the process effective to stop a terrorist?

The comments and questions that have recently been raised are valid.
1. The fear of hijacking and using a plane as a missile has been greatly reduced since the restriction of access to the cockpit and the allowance of pilots to carry firearms.
2. Prior bombing attempts were thwarted on the ground by intelligence and not at airport security.
3. Baggage is not as thoroughly searched as passengers. This might allow for an explosive device in luggage.
4. Not all airports, around the world, have the same level of security. A terrorist might chose a foreign airport (that has more lax security) and travel into the United States with a bomb.
5. Terrorists appear to be one step ahead of the security. (The recent printer cartridge bomb is an example)
6. The concern that a plane would be hijacked and used as a missile has been greatly reduced. (as stated in 1). The fear seems to be a plane being blown up. The loss of life would be horrible and the fear factor terrible. While the fear factor of a plane exploding is horrific, the potential for terrorist taking lives is everywhere. A train, a bus, a cruise ship, a van in a tunnel, a van on a bridge, an office building, etc…. The potential for causing devastation and loss of life is everywhere.
7. It seems that if someone truly wants to cause damage, it is almost impossible to stop them. By far, the most effective way to stop terrorist activity is before it happens. Governments and agencies sharing information about a planned activity and stopping it before it’s started.

There have been more debates on the effectiveness of onsite passenger and airport security. Unfortunately, there are many more questions than answers. The answer “It is in the passenger’s best interest to be scanned or patted down” just doesn’t seem to make it. One area of agreement is that shared intelligence among agencies and countries is extremely effective. One can only hope that we will find an acceptable balance and answer to “how safe” vs. “how inconvenient and how much the cost”!!

If we’re brainstorming, here’s an idea we’ll never use!
Maybe we need a booth that you step into, not to x-ray you, but that will detonate any explosive device you may have hidden on or in your body. The explosion will be contained within the sealed booth. Who’s next?

Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Have a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving and enjoy your time with Family!

Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Terrorism and Profiling

There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the enemy.
George Washington

During the Revolutionary War, prisoners and spies were accommodated as best as possible but not always treated in the most humane fashion. No one lost sleep worrying how the enemy would complain about the mistreatment of prisoners. Every battle did not have a press core reporting the activities. The Americans fought the war in a way that gave them the best advantage. They wanted to protect themselves, their families and their country. They wanted to win the war. These were men and women who were farmers, shop owners, and businessmen whose only goal was to defeat the British any way they could.

Now terrorists are engaging us in a war using tactics which they believe gives them the best chance to succeed. Although unconventional by our standards, they have managed to gain ground with fewer men, military resources and money than we have. The “War against Terrorism” needs to be fought in the same manner which we used in 1776. We need to fight to protect ourselves, our families and our country. We need to attack and operate in any way we can to achieve our mission. The terrorists are not fighting a “fair” war: Suicide missions, attacks on civilians, and using poisons are unfair. We are vulnerable, unless we are willing use tactics which we may not want reported in the press. We should not stoop to a terrorist’s level or mirror their tactics; however, we do not need to fight as if we’re in a gentleman’s duel. America has the military, technological and economic capabilities to combat the terrorists. We need to use all of them.

We are at a time in history when terrorism is a worldwide concern. It is a major problem, not a minor dilemma. Many terrorists do fit a profile. People are being murdered and attempts are made to overthrow governments. The risks are all too high to agonize that some may be bothered. Weighing the inconvenience of being profiled and questioned against the possibility of someone creating a disaster comes down on the side of being inconvenienced. Officials have a good idea of the age, habit, nationality and mannerisms of a likely terrorist. These would be likely people to question. That is profiling. Questioning others only for the sake of leveling out the number of people inconvenienced is a waste of time, money and an insult to our intelligence. In our current times, profiling, although distasteful, is a necessary evil. We all long for the time when it won’t be necessary.

Profiling is not improper; improper use of profiling is.

Taken from: “Essays from a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American”

Monday, November 22, 2010

Time to stop collecting allowance and go to work !!!!!

Hey Dad, I think it’s time we stopped my allowance. I’m ready to start a business and earn my own money. I just want to make sure I’m making the right decision. I figure I can work out of the house, cook food (I have the hat) and the sell it with drinks from a booth. What do you think?

Well son, I think it’s a great idea. Let’s go over the mechanics of how this will work and how much money you’ll be able to put in your pocket.

Okay dad, fire away, I’m ready.

Son, you’ll have to use all your current savings and borrow some money to purchase some equipment and supplies. You’ll also need money to advertise and hold you over until your business takes off. You’ll be giving up all your free time, no more extracurricular activity, since you still need to study for school. You’ll be spending all your free time preparing what you’ll be selling, spreading the word and manning you sales booth. You should be prepared to pay for a business license and all your taxes.

Dad, that all sounds good so far, although I’m worried about spending all my saved money and taking out a loan. Can you tell me how much money you think I’ll make?

Yes son. Let’s review the numbers. First, you will be using up all your savings. You will need the loan, so you’ll owe money and you’ll start paying that back on a monthly basis. You’ll owe the money no matter how much you make and even if your business fails, you’ll still have to pay back the loan. You’ll have to get a business license and meet all the state and local requirements for running a business and pay all the ongoing fees. Now let’s talk about the taxes you’ll have to pay on your income. Let’s assume you’re fairly successful.

Okay dad, fire away

Well, let’s see. First there’s federal income tax; maybe 15%, or 25% if you do well. Then there’s FICA and Medicare taxes. Since you’re self-employed, it will be about 15%. Then the state wants about 3% for state income tax and the local government wants 1% of your income. That’s about it.

About it!!!! WOW. Dad, let me get this straight. I’ll give up all my savings, go into debt (whether I succeed or fail, I have to pay back the debt), have to buy supplies and equipment, advertise, give up all my activities, and spend all my free time working. Then with the money I make I have to pay taxes. The taxes add up to somewhere between 35% and 45%. So for every dollar I make I keep about 55 to 65 cents? Is that the deal?

Son, sounds like you’ve got it down perfect. Are you’re ready to go?

Dad, I may not be the brightest kid on the block, but I need to weigh all that against collecting my allowance, keeping my savings, not owing anybody, having fun at my extracurricular activities and having free time.

Dad, let’s pretend we never had this conversation. Can I have my allowance now?

Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum
on Amazon at:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

50% Discount on "Essays from a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American"

As a new author, it is hard to get exposure for my writings.
To that end I would like to offer you a 50% discount, for a limited time.
My hope is that you will enjoy the book "Essays from a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" and tell your friends.

The book explains, in plain English, where we are today; how we got here; and what changes need to be made for a better future.
I thank you for your interest.
Please click on the link below and put in code 836CNC2L for your 50% discount.

Here are the contents:
Baby Boomers Change America
What does a Congressman do for a Living?
Earmarks, Entitlements and Pork (Bribery????)
Sin Taxes
The Letter of the Law versus The Spirit of the Law
A Miranda Warning - ????
We’re Just Too Nice!!!
Fighting by the Rules
It’s not My FaultHe Ain’t Heavy, He’s an American
Just a Lawsuit Away From a Great Retirement!
A Prescription for the War on Drugs
Affirmative Action
Minimum Wage
Do Only the Strong Survive?
Essay Glossary (Must Read)

Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum http://www.createspace.com/3462397

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What DO You Think? Do Politicians Have Grandchildren????

How much did you say we'll have to shell out to pay off the debt that grandma and grandpa left us with???? Why didn't they do something when they had the chance? Did they think that money grew on trees? Abraham Lincoln said, "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today". If only Congress knew.

Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum

What!!! Another Earmark?????

Earmarks pose more than one problem. We focus on the cost problem, described below. That certainly is a major trouble. But there is also a credibility in our government problem (They talk about fiscal responsibility and a desire to enact meaningful legislation.) and a concern as to the validity of legislation that is passed. (Would it be passed without an attached earmark?)

In fiscal year’s 2008 Total Federal Budget, there were approximately 11,500 earmarks totaling about $16.5 Billion for the year. This means in 2008, 1 ½ million families could have saved over $10,000 each in taxes. This would be meaningful tax relief for the middle class. A Billion here and a Billion there and pretty soon you’re talking about real money. Remember for every Billion Dollars the government spends, 100,000 families must sacrifice $10,000 of their hard earned money. Don’t let them fool you by saying “It’s a small amount compared to the total budget”. If it’s a small amount, DON’T SPEND IT!!!! Small amounts add up to big problems. (Just take a look at your next credit card bill. Look at each small charge, then look at the large amount owed, at the bottom of the bill.)

Without discussing the merits of the recently passed Healthcare Legislation, it serves as an example of the problems with earmarks. Would it have been passed without a couple of Senators getting preferential treatment for their states? If not, it should not have been passed. What is the true financial cost of these earmarks? In some cases we don’t know. In order not to single out one state with preferential Medicare cost reimbursement, all states will now receive the benefit. What is the cost? We don’t know. A southern state received approx. $300,000,000 to get a favourable vote. 100,000 families will have to pay $3,000 each to fund that one. Show me the 100,000 families that would have willingly paid $3,000 to pass the bill. The list is longer, but these show the problem.

How are we supposed to believe in the credibility of our legislators when they need to give or to receive special favours in order to vote on a proposed bill? How can we feel good about legislation that might not be passed without a special financial arrangements attached?

Earmarks are a “Poster Child” for what is wrong with Washington. Eliminate Earmarks. If the “Earmark Item” has validity, vote on it separately.

Read Excerpts on Amazon:
Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum

Friday, November 12, 2010

I Hope the President Dislikes my Children

The President doesn’t seem to care for our hard working citizens that have incomes above $200,000 and since I would like my children to be financially successful, I hope the President doesn’t care for them.

The President also likes to lump those making a few hundred thousand dollars a year with those making multi-millions of dollars a year. Hardly seems to make sense. It seems to just make for a good sound bite. It appears he would like them to fund his spending habits. At the sign of resistance, he berates them for not paying their fair share.
Successful individuals:
1.Start businesses that employ people in their neighborhoods.
2.Pay their wages, social security taxes, provide health insurance and other benefits.
3.Pay a multitude of business related taxes and personal taxes on all levels. (Federal, State and Local)
4.Pay real estate taxes on homes and business properties that support the local school systems. At the same time, in many cases, send their children to private schools, lessening the burden on public schools.
5. Donate their time, money and energy to local organizations and causes.
6.Spend their money which supports other services and businesses.
7.In most cases they raise a respectful family which carries on their ideals.

The list continues, but needless to say they contribute in a large way to society. And, yes, they are the beneficiary of many things our great country has to offer. They have taken those benefits and used them to their own and many other peoples’ advantage.
Look around and you’ll see hospital wings, college buildings, ball fields, parks, museum wings, theatres and more with people’s names on them. In most cases, those people donated the money to fund those items. Houses of worship often rely on these people for personal donations and help with expansion projects and fundraisers.

Well-to-do people, like others, may not be perfect, but they shouldn’t be vilified by the President just because they won’t fund his programs. Maybe the President would be better off asking for their input and advice. Make them part of the decision making process instead of the ones required to fund the outcome.

Our country has an employment problem. Businesses of America do the employing. It’s time to ask them what the government can do to make them comfortable enough to start hiring again. Let’s stop asking them to fund unemployment.

Back to my kids
It would be a pleasure to have them included in “Successful Individuals”
Let them make a good income, hire others, pay taxes, raise a good family, donate their time money and energy to worthy causes and be disliked by the President.

Please see exceprts from my book:
"Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum
on Amazon at:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Earmarks, Entitlements, and Pork (Bribery????)

We have the best government that money can buy. - Mark Twain

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy..." - Alexander Fraser Tytler, Scottish lawyer and writer, 1770

Approximately 9,000 earmarks costing about $8 Billion were included in the 2009 Omnibus Spending Bill. If the $8 Billion was excluded, the tax bill for 800,000 families would be reduced by $10,000 each, a real tax relief to America’s Middle Class. And that example was just for the Omnibus Spending Bill in 2009. In fiscal year’s 2008 Total Federal Budget, there were approximately 11,500 earmarks totaling about $16.5 Billion for the year. This means in 2008, 1 ½ million families could have saved over $10,000 each in taxes. Again, this would be meaningful tax relief for the middle class. A Billion here and a Billion there and pretty soon you’re talking serious money; if Congress only knew. Although the party in power gets the majority of earmarks included in a bill, earmarks do not belong to any one party alone. Each political party is guilty; a factual wakeup call for all the American public. The public hears of transparency, earmarks are an area where transparency would be appreciated. The larger the total budget, the less any one earmark becomes ‘meaningful.’ Therefore, Congress may have a selfish motive to continually spend and increase the budget. In 2008, the total Federal Budget was a little less than $3 Trillion. With earmarks at $16.5 Billion, they represented “only” 0.55% of the total, a little more than ½%. Now that doesn’t sound so bad. The larger the total budget, the less ominous each earmark. Congress has a way of using percentages instead of real dollar figures to fool the public. Of course they’ve had years and years of practice.

Earmarks should not be included in proposed bills. Each earmark should be reported to the public (transparency) and should include: The sponsor, the amount, the purpose and the local or national benefit to the public. Earmarks should be voted on separately, based on merits only. A bill coming before Congress should have a theme, an easily distinguishable commonality. Any proposals, additions, or amendments must match the theme of the proposed bill. If not, a separate vote is essential. Congressmen should not force millions of taxpayers to fund their pet projects by burying them in otherwise worthwhile legislation. It’s our money they’re spending, not theirs.

In the political system there is also a practice of adding special provisions to a bill to get one or more congressman’s support. These provisions are different than the earmarks discussed above and may actually benefit the Congressman’s state or district residents; however, the provisions are only being added to secure a vote and not to enhance the proposed bill. They do not add value to the entire country. In 2009, we saw this happen with the Health Reform Bill. Hundreds of millions of dollars were added so that a few areas of the country would benefit at the expense of the rest of the country. This was only done to get enough votes to pass the bill. Without these provisions being added, it is doubtful that the bill would be passed. In other words, on the merits of the bill alone, there would not have been passage.

Adding entitlements and earmarks to an existing bill needs to be stopped and should only be part of a bill if they speak to the main message of the legislation. These special interest amendments should be voted on separately instead of holding the main bill hostage. Unless these practices are eliminated, the American public will continue to suffer financially. Enough cannot be said for the amount of unnecessary tax money that is paid by working families to support these actions. More spending does not solve problems; efficient spending does. And, extraneous spending is shameful.
This YouTube is a must see to Find Out how Harry And Nancy spend your tax dollars:

This is an excerpt from the book "Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum
Available on Amazon at:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

He Ain’t Heavy, He’s An American

Use now and then a little Exercise a quarter of an Hour before Meals, as to swing a Weight, or swing your Arms about with a small Weight in each Hand; to leap, or the like, for that stirs the Muscles of the Breast. - Benjamin Franklin

Americans are considered to be overweight and unhealthy. Billions of dollars are spent annually on fitness equipment, diet plans, supplements, smoking cessation programs and medical care. However, spending practices do not match desired results. Americans are drawn to the easy fix. They want the “only ten minutes a week” and you can lose ten pounds, or “these pills will help you lose weight without changing your diet.” Wear a patch, chew this gum or get hypnotized and you can stop smoking. Instead of taking the tough road to self improvement, we look for the easy way out. Not only do American’s desire painless solutions to being fit they also don’t want to accept the blame for their dilemmas. Let’s shift the blame to corporate America. After all, we are told they sell us the wrong food, fill menus with fatty foods, entice us to smoke; then the insurance companies don’t pay us to be cured. This type of attitude will not solve our problems. Until we are willing to face up to our failings and take the responsibility for both what we put in our bodies and our level of physical activity, we are destined to poor health. Companies do produce the products that can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. However, they also produce the products that can make us the healthiest country on Earth. No one forces us to choose the former.

In 1994, a law was passed requiring nutritional labeling on packaged foods. More than 15 years later, the United States still has a problem with overweight individuals. The problem is not with the lack of information about the product; the problem is that Americans continue to eat what and how much they want.

Our Government, not intentionally, rewards those who lead a less than healthy lifestyle by providing them with the same health care benefits as those who work hard to stay healthy. This doesn’t make sense. If you lead a self-indulgent lifestyle, you should not receive the same benefits as others. Healthy behavior should be rewarded. The recent Health Care Legislation does not require anyone to lead a healthy lifestyle to receive the benefits. Someone can eat poorly, smoke, drink, and lead a generally unhealthy lifestyle and still receive health care benefits. They won’t need to worry about pre-existing conditions and they might have other taxpayers fund their medical care. How can this lead to a healthier America?

This is an excerpt from "Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American"
Available on Amazon at:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Election is Over – Will Tough Fiscal Decisions be Made?

Okay, the election is over and Congress has a more conservative slant. That sounds good, but they still need to step up to the plate and make some tough financial decisions. If you click on the link below; it will take you to a chart that indicates we have a spending problem, not a tax revenue problem. What might we do?

Our economic woes have been in the making for years. Like the straw that broke the camel’s back, the housing crisis, not our only problem, seemed to be that straw. We now need to chip away, wherever possible, to correct the problem. Chipping away means making tough decisions and not allowing any savings to seem too small. (A Billion Dollars seems small to a politician dealing with a Trillion Dollar budget, but it is still a large amount. After all, 100,000 families need to pay $10,000 each, in taxes, to fund a Billion Dollars.)

Let’s start with freezing the budget. Not adding one dime to any program, earmark, entitlement, or project. Along with the budget freeze, initiate a directive that EVERY government agency will have their budget cut by 5%, each year, for the next 5 years. Let productivity, innovation, smarter decision making, and the elimination of, “nice” but not absolutely needed programs take the lead. Let’s try this until we find that government cannot operate. Once that happens, we can add resources to those programs that are failing. (Actually failing, not just complaining.

Earmarks should not be included in proposed bills. Each earmark should be reported to the public (transparency) and should include: The sponsor, the amount, the purpose and the local or national benefit to the public. Earmarks should be voted on separately, based on merits only. A bill coming before Congress should have a theme, an easily distinguishable commonality. Any proposals, additions, or amendments must match the theme of the proposed bill. If not, a separate vote is essential.

Debt Ceiling - The amount of debt the Government may have at any time. It’s hard to consider the debt ceiling a real number. It is constantly raised by the sitting Congress. It is often used for political purposes. Since it is the tax payer’s money; the taxpayers should vote on whether to allow the debt ceiling to be raised. There should be a box on every year’s the tax return; YES or NO.

I will have more comments on upcoming posts. Remember to click on the link illustrating spending vs. tax revenue.

Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum
See previews on Amazon at: