Friday, November 12, 2010

I Hope the President Dislikes my Children

The President doesn’t seem to care for our hard working citizens that have incomes above $200,000 and since I would like my children to be financially successful, I hope the President doesn’t care for them.

The President also likes to lump those making a few hundred thousand dollars a year with those making multi-millions of dollars a year. Hardly seems to make sense. It seems to just make for a good sound bite. It appears he would like them to fund his spending habits. At the sign of resistance, he berates them for not paying their fair share.
Successful individuals:
1.Start businesses that employ people in their neighborhoods.
2.Pay their wages, social security taxes, provide health insurance and other benefits.
3.Pay a multitude of business related taxes and personal taxes on all levels. (Federal, State and Local)
4.Pay real estate taxes on homes and business properties that support the local school systems. At the same time, in many cases, send their children to private schools, lessening the burden on public schools.
5. Donate their time, money and energy to local organizations and causes.
6.Spend their money which supports other services and businesses.
7.In most cases they raise a respectful family which carries on their ideals.

The list continues, but needless to say they contribute in a large way to society. And, yes, they are the beneficiary of many things our great country has to offer. They have taken those benefits and used them to their own and many other peoples’ advantage.
Look around and you’ll see hospital wings, college buildings, ball fields, parks, museum wings, theatres and more with people’s names on them. In most cases, those people donated the money to fund those items. Houses of worship often rely on these people for personal donations and help with expansion projects and fundraisers.

Well-to-do people, like others, may not be perfect, but they shouldn’t be vilified by the President just because they won’t fund his programs. Maybe the President would be better off asking for their input and advice. Make them part of the decision making process instead of the ones required to fund the outcome.

Our country has an employment problem. Businesses of America do the employing. It’s time to ask them what the government can do to make them comfortable enough to start hiring again. Let’s stop asking them to fund unemployment.

Back to my kids
It would be a pleasure to have them included in “Successful Individuals”
Let them make a good income, hire others, pay taxes, raise a good family, donate their time money and energy to worthy causes and be disliked by the President.

Please see exceprts from my book:
"Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum
on Amazon at:

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