Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Attorney General, Mr. Holder, Day Late and Dollar Short

The decision to look into prosecuting WikiLeaks for their posting of information is very welcomed. It does seem like the horse did leave the barn long ago and looking to close the door now might be viewed as trying to save face.

Wikileaks has been posting damaging information for a while now. They let the world know they were going to do it. They also let the world know they would be releasing more information. They kept their word. Each time, the government publically stated that the information would be damaging and could endanger individuals. Each time, after the release of the information, the government practiced damage control. Why would it take so long to attempt to prosecute WikiLeaks? Even if prosecution is not successful, it shows our citizens and people around the world that we are pro-active. There seemed to more outrage, by the administration, when a college professor was taken into custody and the police department was vilified for acting stupidly.

There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the enemy.
George Washington
Taken from “Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American”

George Washington’s comments could be interpreted to mean that we should be prepared to meet the enemy in the same manner they are bringing the war to us. If they have information that was stolen and was received illegally; let us use our resources to steal it back, or bribe someone with enough money that we could reacquire the documentation. If the information is being distributed through the internet; let’s use our technological abilities to shut down their site. If any government is harboring their offices; let’s use our power and allies to have them shut down. If lives are at stake, peace treaties are in jeopardy, or the potential of staving off a future war is achievable, then playing by the rules should not apply.

It’s past time the United States shows the world our strength, fortitude and resolve.
Shut WikiLeaks down any way we can. And do it quickly!

Similar writings can be found in “Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American”  Excerpts are available on Amazon at:

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