Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dot-Com Bubble; Housing Bubble; How about a Deficit Bubble? They all seem to burst sometime.

Our parents and grandparents were appalled when the Government’s spending and debts were put in numbers as Billions and Tens of Billions. Now our government expects us to accept Trillions as the norm. Make that Tens of Trillions!!!!

For every Billion Dollars our government spends 100,000 families must pay $10,000 in taxes.

There is a straw out there and the camel's back is sagging!!!

Remember watching a child pushing a pin into a balloon. One second the balloon is filled with air and then, in an instant, it has burst. The child cries and apologizes. He can’t understand what happened. He didn’t mean to break the balloon. Everything was going his way. Only after the balloon burst did he realize he went too far. While he was fooling with the pin, he felt in complete control. He had heard that bad things could happen, but he reasoned, bad things would not happen while he controlled the pin.

Our economy is the balloon and the administration is the child. No one knows when or if our national debt will bankrupt us. There are concerns; and intelligent people have warned of the consequences. Like the balloon we will only know after it happens. Of course, by then it is too late.

The balloon did not have to break. The child could have eased off with the pin. Our economy does not have to break, or be on the brink of financial disaster. The administration and Congress could ease off its spending rampage. This is not something that is comfortable for politicians, but it is a good idea. It needs to be done today.

The link, below, takes you to a chart that shows how Federal Spending Is Growing Faster Than Federal Revenue, it goes back to 1965. It is worth a look.

Read excerpts from:
Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum
on Amazon at:

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