Thursday, October 21, 2010

Term Limits - Jefferson had the Right Idea

During the forming of our government, a committee was appointed to study proposals for the new union. Thomas Jefferson wanted a term limitation, saying it was “to prevent every danger which might arise to American Freedom by continuing too long in office the members of the Continental Congress.” (HE WANTED TERM LIMITATION, SINGULAR, NOT TERM LIMITATIONS, PLURAL)

The Articles of Confederation omitted mandatory term limits. Soon after the Revolutionary War and victory over the British, there was a continuous turnover in Congress and a strong tendency to mistrust anyone seeking too much power. King’s were on the throne for life; Americans did not want any one person to be in power for very long. Politicians also felt the same and did not continually seek re-election. The Constitution was ratified without term limits. Many statesmen thought it was a dangerous omission. President George Washington set a standard by having to be persuaded to run for his second term and refusing to run for a third. This two term practice was followed by every President, except Franklin Delano Roosevelt who served four terms. The twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1951, limited the term of office for the President.

During the Civil War, The Confederate States Constitution limited the President to one single, six year term. They knew something we still haven’t learned, being an elected politician is not a career, it is short term service to your country. In the early 1990s, almost half the States put a Congressional Term Limit Referendum on their ballots. The referendums passed. However, in the mid 1990s, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that States cannot impose term limits on Congressmen. If re-elected, Congressmen can stay in Congress for their lifetime. The longer someone stays in office, the more relationships they build, the more favors they owe and the larger their war chest becomes. Many end up staying in office until they wish to retire or family matters take precedent.

In 2008, an estimated $5 Billion was spent by various politicians seeking election including $2 Billion spent solely on Presidential campaigns. That’s a lot of money to find employment. Along with this money come obligations for the victors. These obligations might not be in the best interest of the entire country. Favors are granted, earmarks and entitlements are entered into legislation and special interest groups are rewarded. Unless our system is changed, we run the risk of future politicians being partners to their supporters, not impartial legislatures.

Although it sounds like an impossible task, our country needs to limit the term in office, for all elected officials, to ONE six year term.

Please see the rest of my writings in my new book:
Essays From a Fed-Up Middle Aged, Middle Class American" By: Andy Strum
Excerpts available on Amazon at:

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